Climate First
Climate First
Let's solve the climate crisis

Mission Statement 2020
The aim of the Climatefirstnz Party is to free the world from the climate crisis by transforming New Zealand into a model post-carbon country whose example the world can follow.
This would be achieved through democratic means, by standing, in national elections, candidates who promoted policies which would achieve our aim, namely:
Specifying a clear annual emissions reduction pathway whereby New Zealand would do its fair share of the world required effort, on a population basis.
Reducing inequality so that every citizen is enabled to contribute equally to New Zealand’s task.
Introducing a carbon tax immediately on all emissions.
Replacing growth in economic throughput as the measurement of New Zealand’s socio-economic well-being, with a Well-being Index.

This was our original logo
This was our original logo
The logo represents the most fundamental idea behind Climate First; that New Zealand, to do its fair share for world emissions reductions, must prescribe an exact year-by-year emissions reduction pathway, which is the diagonal line in the logo.. The green rhomboid represents the period from 2035 to 2050 when NZ must have negative net emissions in order to make up for our budget overshoot from 2024 to 2035, which is the red triangle. This means that between 2035 and 2050, NZ's trees will remove more greenhouse gases from the atmosphere than our human activities release.
Climate First in 78 Words
Climate First in 78 Words
Climate First is an unregistered political party in Aotearoa/New Zealand, running a candidate in the Auckland Central electorate. As our name suggests, our reason for being is to develop policies in New Zealand, which if applied worldwide would prevent climate change worldwide. The most important of these is to exactly define a year-by-year emissions reduction pathway for NZ through to 2050. This will enable people to fully face the magnitude of the emissions reduction task ahead of us.
The Constitution of the Climate First Party
1.The Climate First Party is an unregistered New Zealand political party. Website:, email:
2.Its purpose is to stand candidates in general elections and to eventually become a registered party. Its principle aim is to promote policies which would, if implemented, reduce New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions rapidly so that we do our fair share in the global fight against climate change. The Climate First Party, as its name indicates, is unlike other political parties in having stopping climate change as its fundamental goal, with other goals being subordinate to and derived from this fundamental goal. In fact, the reason for our existence is because the climate change goals of other parties are not strong enough to enable New Zealand to do its fair share globally, on the basis of our population as a percentage of the world population.
3.People can become members by having their application for membership accepted by the secretary. Should some existing members wish that an application for membership be rejected, or a current member be expelled, a motion to this effect must be passed at an ordinary meeting or electronic meeting as outlined in paragraph 4 below. A member may leave the party by notifying the secretary. There is currently no membership fee, but donations can be accepted. Donations do not imply membership. -
4.A meeting of the Climate First Party will be called by notifying all members.
a) Decisions at all meetings will be made by a simple majority of those attending, provided that a quorum is present. A quorum is 5 current members or 50% of the membership, whichever is smaller.
b) Decisions may also be made by email or electronic means, provided that all members have been notified of the issue and the mover and seconder. A 75% majority is required in this case. The organising committee, comprising the secretary and all candidates, must maintain a list of members and their email contacts.
5.Officers will be appointed at any meeting or electronic meeting as prescribed in paragraph 4 above.
6.Financial decisions and accounting for income and expenditure will be carried- out by the organising committee jointly. A financial report will be issued to all members and presented at a meeting at least once a year, in January, February or March, and be approved by that meeting, as in paragraph 4(a) or 4(b) above.
7.The party has no authorisation to borrow money.
8.If the Climate First Party is wound up, any property and money still held will be returned to the people or members who donated it, in proportion to their donation, considering, however that liabilities should be paid out first from available funds.
9.The rules of the Climate First Party are able to be altered at a meeting as described in paragraph 4(a) or 4(b) above.
1O.The organising committee must maintain a membership list with email contacts. Members are assured that no members' names or contact addresses, or the fact of their membership of the party will be made known to anyone outside the organising committee, unless with the written approval of that member. A list of members present at a physical meeting will be included in the minutes of that meeting which will be emailed to all members. The total number of members shall be notified at least twice a year to all members.
11.Membership assumes acceptance of the constitution . -